Launch your Chrome Extension
in hours, not weeks.
The boilerplate for busy makers, to launch your React Chrome Extensions fast.
Loved by 301 makers
You don't need to reinvent the wheel and code everything yourself.
Launch your Chrome Extension fast
Push Content, Pop-up, content, background script, welcome page. It's all in place.
- Push content into web pages
- Read content from web pages
- Pop-up
- Content script
- Background script
- Install welcome page
- 20 hours saved

User authentication finally made easy in a Chrome Extension.
- Magic Link
- Social sign-in
- Session detection
- 32 hours saved
Works with

Fast development
Use Storybook to develop the components of your extension in isolation. No extension build time required.
- Build UI components in isolation
- Document your components
- Interaction testing
- countless hours saved
Powered by

Collect payments
Start collecting payments (subscriptions and one-time purchases) in minutes. Powered by Lemon Squeezy (Merchant of Records) you don't need to deal with international taxation anymore.
- Checkout sessions
- Webhooks to update the subscriptions
- Modern checkout UI
- Pricing page
- 4 hours saved
Powered by
Lemon Squeezy

77+ hours saved
Shipped gives you everything to launch your Chrome Extension.
Landing Page • Pricing • Install Welcome Page • Authentication • Extension scaffolding
Save weeks of coding.
Get Shipped for Chrome ExtensionsCustomer testimonials
We love builders, you'll love Shipped ❤️
Save weeks of coding with Shipped.
Earn your first dollars today.
SaaS Boilerplate
$157 billed yearly
Next.js 14 & TypeScript
Email integrations
Magic link sign up
Markdown-based blog
Animated UI Components
Email & Password sign up
Lemon Squeezy payments
Social logins (Google, Apple, 60+ more)
ChatGPT prompts for privacy and terms
Discord community ✨
Lifetime updates
Pay once, launch unlimited products
SaaS + Chrome Extension Boilerplate
$207 billed yearly
Everything from the SaaS Boilerplate
React Chrome Extension Boilerplate
Extension authentication
Push UI into web pages
Read content from web pages
Installation welcome page
Background & Content script
Discord community ✨
Lifetime updates
Pay once, launch unlimited products
Frequently asked questions
More questions? Email me at
Ship your SaaS in days
and start selling.
Save weeks of coding with the #1 Next.js SaaS Boilerplate.
Made by a maker for makers.